Mr Victor Orumwense

Mr Victor Orumwense is the principal of Utese Junior Secondary School. A teacher for over 29 years, Mr Orumwense says the best part of teaching for him is getting the opportunity to impart knowledge and shape the lives of children in his care. Being a principal for 3 years, he says the extension of the […]
Mrs Catherine Arole

Meet Mrs Catherine Orole, principal of Niger College, Ikphoba Okha. An astute educator, Mrs. Orole is a familiar name in education as before assuming the role of pricipal six years ago, she had taught for over 20 years. Being the principal of a mixed school with a higher male population, it is amazing how she […]
Mrs Joy Osezua

Mrs. Joy Osezua is a teacher at Asoro Grammar School (Junior). A graduate of the University of Benin, Mrs. Osezua has been teaching for about 20 years since being registered under the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria. She holds a master’s degree in Education. Meeting Mrs Osezua, what immediately calls out is her patience when […]